
频道:教学资源 来源:扬州家教联盟网 点击:1906 日期:2018-11-30

文本框: 班级                          



         六年级(上)英语阶段性调研试卷          2018.12.



1. There are ______________ (许多)kites in the sky.

2. I _____________ (看见)your sister just now.

3. Would you like some ____________ (面包)?     Yes, please.

4. Bears like eating _____________(蜂蜜)very much.

5. My grandpa likes reading _______________(报纸) every day.

6. Yang Ling is t__________ us an interesting story.

7. I b_____________ some dumplings for lunch this moring.

8. Don’t p_________ your car here. There is a sign over there.

9. We usually have a long h_____________ in summer.

10. Look, the girl is calling with her t__________.


1. Amy ___________ (can) read the new words well two days ago.

2. “No ___________ (litter)” means you shouldn’t ____________ (litter) rubbish here.

3. I’m thirsty. I want _______________ (drink) water.

4. My father _____________ (catch) a big mouse in the house last night.

5. Look, the birds ________________ (fly) around the tree.

6. How many _____________ (people) are there in the street?

7. My house is on the ______________ (two) floor.

8. Helen _____________ (wear) a new dress at her birthday party last Thursday.

9. Shall we ____________ (start) our lesson now?

10. Don’t ____________ (shout) in class.

11. Each _________(student) _________ (like) me very much.


(      ) 1. --- ________ you __________ the radio every day?     ---No.

A. Did ; listen to                      B. Do ; listen to                 C. Do ; listen

(      ) 2. __________ wonderful fashion shows!

        A. What                          B. What a                     C. How                        

(      ) 3. Mike ________ go to school today because he was ill.

A. wasn’t                                  B. didn’t                  C. isn’t 

(      ) 4. He often __________ apples on the farm.

A. pick                           B. picking                    C. picks      

(      ) 5. I _______ you this morning, but you _______ at home.

A. call; weren’t                     B. called; aren’t               C. called; weren’t

(      ) 6. When I _______ two months old, I _______ speak English.

        A. was; can                        B. were; could                   C. was, couldn’t   

(      ) 7. The football match is very ________..

A. excite                            B. excited                    C. exciting   

(      ) 8. Can you make a sentence ____________“have”?.

A. in                               B. on                      C. with       

(      ) 9. --- What does that sign _____________?

            --- It ____________ we shouldn’t take photos in the park.

       A. mean ; mean                        B. means ; mean                C. mean ; means

(      ) 10. Where ___________ my book? I ____________ it this moring.

       A. was ; find                            B. is ; lost                   C. was ; lose


文本框: 班级                          




四、按要求改写句子, 每空一词。

1. I picked some apples on the farm yesterday.     (改为否定句)

  I ____________ ____________ ____________ apples on the farm yesterday.

2. Draw a flower for me please.   (改为复数句)

  Draw _________ ___________ for ____________ please.

3. I went to the Bund last National holiday.    (对划线部分提问)

  __________ __________ you _________ last National holiday?

4. Can you give Mike the e-book?     (改为同义句)

  Can you ___________ the __________ __________ Mike?

5. Mike did his homework last night.    (改为一般疑问句)

  __________ Mike __________ his homework last night?

6. My mother made friends at school thirty years ago.    (对划线部分提问)

  __________ ___________ your mother ___________ friends thirty years ago?


Mr. and Mrs Jone don’t often go out ______1____, but today Mrs. Jone ___2____ to her husband, “ There is an __3_______ film this evening. ___4___ we go and see it?”

Mrs Jone is very ___5___ about it, so they go and ____6____ of them enjoy it very much. They come out of the cinema at 11:00pm. They get into their car and begin to go home. It is very dark(黑暗). Then Mrs Jones says to Mr. Jones, “ Look, a woman is ____7__ along the road very fast, and a man is running after her. Can you see it?”

Mr Jone says ,”Yes, I can.” He drives the car slowly near the woman and says,”Can we __8__ you?”

“ No, thanks,” the woman says, but does not ____9__ running. “ My husband (丈夫)and I always run home __10____ the film, and the last one washes the dishes at home. “

(      ) 1. A. in the morning             B. in the evening              C. in the afternoon

(      ) 2 A.tells                       B.talks                      C. says

(      ) 3. A.good                  B. nice                        C. interesting             

(      ) 4. A.Must                  B. Should                   C. Shall                     

(      ) 5. A.busy                  B. happy                     C. free

(      ) 6. A. all                     B. every                      C. both               

(      ) 7A.walking               B. running                  C. going                    

(      ) 8 A.take                    B. ask                         C. help

(      ) 9. A.begin                    B. stop                        C. finish                    

(      ) 10. A.before                     B. after                       C. behind


1. 昨天吉姆看起来难过,他怎么了?

  Jim_________ _________ yesterday. What __________ __________ with him?


  My son ___________ ___________ with yo-yos. Can you __________ one ____________ __________ ?

3. 天空中有一些乌云,快要下雨了。我们不得不回家了。

  There are some _____________ ____________ in the sky. It will ____________.

  We ___________ _________ go home.

4. 你不能把汉堡带进图书馆。

  You can’t ___________ the hamburger ___________ the _____________.

5. 你今天为什么如此开心?

  ___________ ____________ you so _____________ today?



A boy put a bird in a cage(笼子). He liked it very much and watched it every day. A cat saw the bird and wanted to have it

文本框: 班级                          





for her dinner. But the bird was in the cage. She couldn’t catch it. So she was very angry.

One day, the cat opened the door of the cage and wanted to catch it. But the bird flew away. The boy came back home and couldn’t find the bird. He was very angry and put the cat into the cage.

(      )1.The boy put the bird in the cage.

(      )2.The boy liked the cat very much and watched it every day.

(      )3.The cat was angry because she could catch the bird.

(      )4.The cat had the bird for her dinner.

(      )5.The boy was angry at last(最后).


A young man is sitting on a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. The young man stands up. The old woman pushes(推)him back into his seat (座位)and says, “ Don’t stand up. I don’t want to sit down.” The man stands up again. The old woman pushes him down and says, “ You don’t have to give me your seat. I like to stand.” The man tries to stand up for the third time. The old woman tries to push him down again. The man shouts, “Don’t push me, please. I have to get off the bus!”

(      ) 1. The young man and the old woman are __________.

A.. in the park                 B. in the street               C. on a bus 

(      ) 2. An old woman stands ____________ the young man . 

A. near                     B. behind                      C. in front of     

(      ) 3. The man tries to stand for  __________times(次 ) . 

A. one                         B. two                    C. three  

(      ) 4. How was the young man ?  He was __________ 

A. angry                        B. sad                     C. happy   

(      ) 5. Why did the old woman push the young man into his seat ?

A. Because she didn’t like the young man .

   B. Because she didn’t want to sit down .

C. Because she didn’t want to let the young man get off the bus.


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