
频道:教学资源 来源:扬州家教联盟网 点击:1475 日期:2018-11-30


                                                   动词时态专项练习                   姓名: __________

1.    Mary _______ (live) in the US now. And she ________________ (work) here next Month.

2.    He _____ (be) very busy yesterday. He _______ (go) to the meeting.

3.    - ____ you ______ (visit) your grandparents last weekend? - Yes, I  _______ (watch) TV with them and ______ (have) dinner together.

4.    Mum usually _______ (give) me a new dress on my birthday. Last year, she ________ (buy) me a PSP. This year, she ________________ (buy)  a new watch for me.

5.    She______ (do)her homework every evening. But today she____(be) ill. She _____________ (see) the doctor this afternoon.

6.    _____ you ______________(play) basketball with us next weekend?  We ____________ (meet) at the school gate on Sunday afternoon.

7.    To protect the Earth, we should   ________ (not use) too many plastic bags or bottles. We can ________ (reuse) them.

8.    ____ (be)there much coal or oil on Earth? No, there ________(not be).

9.    Tomorrow, my family and I _______________ (have) a picnic. And my uncle ________________(watch) a film with his family.  

10. Helen_________ (fly) to Beijing in 2007, and she _____________ (go) there again next year.

11. -_______ (be) there many sheep on the farm last year? -No, there _____________(not be).  There _______ (be) just five sheep then. But  now there _______ (be) more.

12. We _______ (plan) for the Chinese New Year just now. And we___________________ (talk) about our plans again this afternoon.

13.  It ____ (be) Saturday today. So I _____ (do) all my homework yesterday. Now, I can _____ (play) with my friends. And we _______________________ (fly) kites in the park.

14. This morning, Tom______ (open) the window and ______ (see) a girl in the playground. She ________ (run) fast there.

15. -_____ your uncle like _______ (swim)? -Yes, he _____(do).  He __________________ (swim) tomorrow.

16. My cousin ________ (help) me _______ (do) Maths last night. And he ____________(play) computer games with me next Sunday.

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