译林英语四上unit 2练习

频道:教学资源 来源:扬州家教联盟网 点击:1148 日期:2019-9-27

四上 Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad小练习

班级 _____________       姓名 _____________    学号 _____________

  • 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。

(      ) 1. A. panda                                    B. peach                                        C. tiger

(      ) 2. A. fat                                         B. cute                                      C. look

(      ) 3. A. oranges                                  B. apple                                    C. mango

(      ) 4. A. those                                     B. this                                       C. that

(      ) 5. A. elephants                               B. cow                                      C. cats



1. 有两个菠萝 _______________

2. 一些紫葡萄 ______________

3. 又甜又美味 __________________

4. 喜欢红苹果 __________________

5. 有一本新书 ___________________

6. How nice! _____________________

7. make a fruit salad ________________

8. how many books  ________________



(      ) 1. —— Look at this ______________.

          —— How nice!

  1. dress                                   B. dresses                                 C. a dress

(      ) 2. —— Do you like ____________?

          —— No, I _________.

  1. tigers , do                           B. tiger , don’t                         C. tigers , don’t

(      ) 3. —— How many __________ can you see?

          —— I can see one.

A . pencils                                B. a pencil                                C. pencil

(      ) 4. —— _______ you like an ice-cream?

          —— Yes, please.

                     A. Do                                      B. Would                                  C. Are

(      ) 5. —— Look at my toy car.

          —— __________.

A. It’s lovely.                           B. They are cute.                      C. How cool!

(      ) 6. Look at _________ grapes over there. __________ sweet and big.

                     A. that , It’s                              B. those , They’re                     C. these , They ‘re

(      ) 7. —— Do you have __________ kites?

          —— No, I don’t have __________ kites.

                     A. any , any                              B. some , any                                  C. any , some

(      ) 8. —— Do you like _________?

—— Yes, I do. They are brown. They like bananas.

A. cats                                  B. monkeys                          C. lions

(      ) 9. —— What’s this on the desk?

          —— It’s ______ orange rubber.

                     A. the                                       B. an                                         C. a

(      ) 10. —— This cake is for you.

           —— ____________.

                     A. No, I don’t.                         B. Yes, please.                          C. Thanks.


1. at , those , nice , look , birds  ( . )


2. many , pears , do , have , how , you  ( ? )


3. some , i , have , pencils , a , and , book  ( . )


4. fruit , a , let’s , make , salad  ( . )


5. like , some , with , cake , I’d , a , grapes  ( . )



1. ——你有一些芒果吗?


   —— _________ you have _________ __________?

   —— No, I ________. I __________ ___________.

2. ——你想要一个桔子吗?


   —— _________ you like _______ ________?

   —— _________, please.

3. ——你喜欢苹果吗?


   —— ________ you like _________?

   —— ________ , I _________. They are __________ and __________.

4. ——你有多少个玩具老虎?


  —— How ________ _________ __________ do you have?

  —— I have __________.



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