
频道:教学资源 来源:扬州家教联盟网 点击:1476 日期:2018-11-14

六上Unit 7单元练习卷

班级____________ 姓名 _______________得分________________



(    )1. A. litter                    B. little                   C. lot

(    )2. A. reuse                   B. use                  C. useful

(    )3. A. clean                 B. clever                C. clear

(    )4. A. Maths                B. Music                C. Art

(    )5. A. much               B. many                 C. messy

(    )6. A. well                 B. happy                C. good

(    )7. A. paper                  B. plastic                C. gate

(    )8. A. what time             B. what day             C. when

(    )9. A. draw                  B. drive                 C. drink

(    )10. A. plastic bags          B. paper bags             C. glass bottles

二、听录音, 根据你所听到的句子选择正确的答句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)

(    )1. A. We should waste energy.     B. We should save water.

C. We should throw rubbish.

(    )2. A. Sure. Here you are.                   B. It means you can’t smoke here.

       C. They are having an Art lesson.

(    )3. A. Yes, I can.                   B. No, I can’t.                  C. Yes I am.

(    )4. A. All right.                      B. Thank you.                  C. That’s all right.

(    )5. A. No, he did.                  B. Yes, you did.                      C. Yes, he did.


(    )Let me draw a rubbish bin.

(    )There are trees and flowers on it.

(    )Let me draw the Earth first.

(    )You shouldn’t litter.

(    )Let me draw some bananas on the trees.


How to protect the earth?

First, we shouldn’t __________ here and there. We should _________ the rubbish up and put _________ in the rubbish bin.

Second, we shouldn’t use ________ many plastic ________. Plastic is ________ for our earth.

Third, we should __________ more trees. Trees can not only make our earth more __________ but also __________ keep the _________ clean.




(    )1. use              A. bus            B. put          C. student          

(    )2. plastic          A. father         B. paper       C. fat

(    )3. waste           A. make         B. cap           C. afternoon

(    )4. wood           A. look                B. school             C. food

(    )5. ready           A. really                     B. sweater           C. clean


1. 在地球上_______________________   2. 节约水_________________________

3. 看上去好看_____________________   4. 开始画画_______________________

5. 太多塑料______________________   6. do a project______________________

7. paper boxes______________________   8. a rubbish bin_____________________

9. too many bottles__________________ 10. in the restaurant _________________


(    )1. We should not ____water.

A. waste                 B. to waste         C. wastes

(    )2. There _____ so many trees on Earth long long ago.

A. are                   B. were            C. was

(    )3. Let’s meet _____ the school gate.

A. in                       B. at             C. for

(    )4. There are _______ plastic bags on the playground.

A. too much             B. so much        C. too many

(    )5. Sandy _______ her e-book now.

A. is looking for          B. looked for       C. looking for

(    )6. We _____ the bus to school yesterday morning.

A. by                    B. took              C. take

(    )7.We use water _____ things.

A. to clean                B. clean            C. cleans

(    )8. Yesterday afternoon, we ______ paper bags.

A. make                 B. makes           C. made

(    )9. Please don’t ______ every day.

A. driving             B. drive              C. smoked

(    )10.What can we _____ to protect them?

A. to do                 B. did             C. do


1. There are some flowers in the park. (改为否定句)


2. Sam and Bobby are making a cake. (改为一般疑问句)


3. Rubbish makes our city dirty.  (对划线部分提问)


4. They put it at the school gate. (对划线部分提问)


5. We should save water.  (对划线部分提问)



1. 我们不应该砍伐太多的树。

We shouldn’t                                many trees.

2. 我们不应该开车太多,因为小汽车使用太多的能量。

We shouldn’t _________ too________ because cars_______ a lot of ________.

3. 塑料对地球有坏处。

The plastic is _________ _________the Earth.

4. 老师正在告诉我们有关课题的情况。

The teacher is _________ _________ _________ the project.

5. 昨天我用纸做了一张海报。

  Yesterday I ________ paper _________ _________ a poster.


1. on, isn’t, there, coal, much, Earth  (.)


2. a, I, to, box, can, make, reuse, paper   (.)


3. all, this, know, should, students  (.)


4. help, trees, clean, air, keep, the  (.)


5. we, can, reuse, things, how, these  (?)



Mary is an   1   girl. She likes  2   basketball matches, but she doesn’t have

3        money to buy tickets. She has to watch TV at home when she has  4 

homework. She must go to school   5   Monday   6   Friday, so she misses(错过) a lot of interesting matches.

There will be a big basketball match   7  the afternoon next day. Mary  8  to watch it very much. But her father  9   think it good because it is Friday. Mary should  10  lessons.

(    )1. A. England                B. English                         C. China

(    )2. A. looking at              B. watch                           C. watching

(    )3. A. much                     B. many                             C. some

(    )4. A. not                         B. no                                C. any

(    )5. A. in                      B. from                            C. at

(    )6. A. to                       B. at                                 C. in

(    )7. A. in                           B. on                                 C. at

(    )8. A. want                  B. wants                            C. wanting

(    )9. A. doesn’t              B. did                                 C. does

(    )10. A. has                     B. have                            C. be



Look at the blue Earth. This is our home. There are plains(平原), mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans(海洋) on our planet(行星). There are many kinds of trees , flowers sand grass on our earth. There are many kinds of wild(野生) animals living together with us. But sometimes we do bad things to it. We waste too much water. We cut down too many trees. We hunt(捕猎) too many wild animals for food or clothes. We waste too much energy. Too many cars use a lot of energy. We use too many plastic bags. We shouldn’t do these things. We should save our Earth, Because we have only one Earth.


(      )1. There are no plains and oceans on Earth.

(      )2. There are many kinds of wild animals on Earth.

(      )3. We sometimes do bad things to the Earth.

(      )4. We hunt wild animals just (只,仅仅)for food.

(      )5. We should save our Earth because we have only one Earth.


It was Children’s Day last Friday. There were many balloons and flowers in the school. The students didn’t have lessons. All of them were very excited. Some girls sang and danced in the music room. Some boys had a basketball game in the playground. It was exciting. Yang Ling and her friends played games in the classroom. They played with yo-yos. It was great fun. Miss Li was in the school, too. But she was not in class. She played with her students and took many nice photos for them.


(    )1. It was _______ last Friday.

      A. Teachers’ Day                 B. Children’s Day                    C. National Day

(    )2. Many students were ________.

      A. at school                         B. in the park                           C. in the zoo

(    )3. There was a _______ game in the playground.

      A. volleyball                 B. football                         C. basketball

(    )4. _______ played with yo-yos in the classroom.

      A. Miss Li and her students B. Yang Ling and her friends C. All of the students

(    )5. Miss Li ______ for the students.

      A. sang                         B. danced                                 C. took many photos


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